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Week 7 Chapter 14 Discussion Question 14

Week 7 Chapter 14 Discussion Question 14

Q Week 7 - Discussion Question # 14 - Chapter 14 You must post threads in which you respond to each question twice. Your initial response of a paragraph and you will also be replying to another student’s thread of at least one paragraph. One important note about the Discussion Questions: I expect everyone to provide at least a one paragraph thoughtful, well-articulated responses to each of the questions. Do not post an answer to something simply by reading someone’s post and saying “Yes, I agree". Your responses must be original and at least one paragraph in length. • There are many drugs such as over the counter drugs, herbal drugs, inhalants, and designer drugs that are truly dangerous to take. How can we ensure that these types of drugs that are sometimes legal and/or unregulated do not become drugs of abuse?

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According to the FDA, over-the-counter drugs are the category of drugs that are considered safe enough to be dispensed without prescription. FDA categorizes drugs based on their ingredients instead of brands. Practices of self-care and self-medication are crucial parts of any health care system (Maisto et al., 2014). The process of self-medication includes the usage of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. The prevalence of OTC medicine usage among patients might lead to a rise in OTC drug misuse.